FriendsOfFlarum / upload

The file upload extension with insane intelligence for your Flarum forum.
MIT License
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Upload by FriendsOfFlarum

MIT license Latest Stable Version Total Downloads OpenCollective

An extension that handles file uploads intelligently for your forum.



Install manually:

composer require fof/upload:"*"


composer require fof/upload:"*"
php flarum migrate
php flarum cache:clear


Enable the extension, a new tab will appear on the left hand side. This separate settings page allows you to further configure the extension.

Make sure you configure the upload permission on the permissions page as well.

Mimetype regular expression

Regular expressions allow you a lot of freedom, but they are also very difficult to understand. Here are some pointers, but feel free to ask for help on the official Flarum forums.

In case you want to allow all regular file types including video, music, compressed files and images, use this:


A mimetype consists of a primary and secondary type. The primary type can be image, video and application for instance. The secondary is like a more detailed specification, eg png, pdf etc. These two are divided by a /, in regex you have to escape this character by using: \/.

Disable or Force a particular adapter

In some circumstances, you may wish to either disable an adapter, or force the use of one. This is set in your root extend.php file.

For example, you may disable imgur

(new FoF\Upload\Extend\Adapters())

Chaining of multiple commands is also possible:

(new FoF\Upload\Extend\Adapters())

You may also force an adapter:

(new FoF\Upload\Extend\Adapters())

Adapter names currently available:



Using php flarum fof:upload you have a powerful tool in your hands to map uploads to posts and clean up unused files. To do so there are two steps to take into consideration:

The intent of this command stems from the original concept of understand what uploads are used where and to allow removal of unused, stale files. You can run this command manually or as a cronjob.

Example 1; only mapping files:

php flarum fof:upload --map

Example 2; map and clean up

php flarum fof:upload --map --cleanup --cleanup-before="a month ago"

Once you're happy with how the command operates, you can append the flag --force, which removes the need to confirm the action:

php flarum fof:upload --map --cleanup --cleanup-before="last year" --force

The following (to resume) will happen when this command is put into a recurring cronjob:



An extension by FriendsOfFlarum