FriendsOfGalaxy / galaxy-integration-steam

Integration with Steam for Galaxy
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Steam offline bug #159

Open m1cha3l02 opened 1 year ago

m1cha3l02 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug While trying to log in to steam with plugin in the GOG app tries to load but it always ends with a message "Offline. Try again."

To Reproduce

  1. Launch GOG Galaxy
  2. Try to log in with your steam account
  3. The "Offline" message should pop up

Expected behavior An expcted behaviour should be the abillity to log in and synchronise my games within the GOG Galaxy launcher

Tape-Worm commented 1 year ago

Just chiming in to say that I have this issue as well.

Tomson124 commented 1 year ago

Same here.

misterriley commented 1 year ago

I have it too. It seems to have started in the last GOG update (2.0.60, I think).

4nd commented 1 year ago


Chalice commented 1 year ago

Same here

pooka-v1 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have the same problem.

I had steam integration running. But in the last days y need reinstall GOG because when try update I have a error. The updater recommended reinstall Galaxy, and I did it.

All integrations are running, except steam. I try download, and I try use old plugin (I had backup) always have de same error. I see in the menu "Offline. Try again." And my steam plugin log: 2023-03-09 23:17:20,644 - steam_network.websocket_client - ERROR - Failed to establish authenticated WebSocket connection RuntimeError('Session is closed') 2023-03-09 23:17:20,644 - root - ERROR - Task exception was never retrieved

I'm login correctly sure. I closed old GOG configuration in steam security tool. But when steam gard musth show my code, appear a message Translation: only you mush use code if you phone don't have internet access.

Steam wants you use QR code. Capture with your phone and continue. It is possible this is the problem?

attharmirza commented 1 year ago

I also have this issue as of the last GOG update.

J01NTM45T3R commented 1 year ago

I was having some problems updating GOG, due to having the standalone and also the Epic Games version both installed. Uninstalling both and reinstalling just the standalone version fixed that problem. And now I'm having this issue when trying to connect GOG to Steam. After I login to Steam in the pop-up window and inserting the code from the Steam app, I just have the "Offline Retry" next to the "Disconnect" button.

Ascendens commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue.

asgump commented 1 year ago


RaveVR commented 1 year ago

I hope someone still working on this cuz I got the same issue, why it happened all of sudden. I shouldn't update GOG Galaxy.

artur1211 commented 1 year ago


rkresha commented 1 year ago


bou-rat commented 1 year ago

same issue

RambonL commented 1 year ago


bgebhardt commented 1 year ago


marvelvang commented 1 year ago


TimTaine commented 1 year ago

Same for me - uninstalled and reinstalled several times, manually gone through and deleted all references to GOG in my system files. Tried installing an older version also, but that didn't work. Still just get 'Steam offline'.

jorgediaz87 commented 1 year ago

Same case here.

neon-JS commented 1 year ago


ccorsano commented 1 year ago

Same here, took a few hours to check what was happening. Everything seems fine, except the plugins never gets a ClientNewLoginKey message from Steam, which makes the authentication call time out and be reported as error to Gog Galaxy. Behind the scene, everything seems to be synchronizing fine as the authentication round completes otherwise successfully.

I looked at updating the protobuf model, and while there are some suspicious changes and deprecation, it is hard to tell whether there has been major protocol changes just by looking at data definitions.

Note that this is not an isolated issue, looking at this one on SteamKit.

weblue commented 1 year ago

is it possible to manually switch for public_profiles for now? I deleted my old plugin folder (and my saved profile, I'm guessing), so I'm not sure how the public_profiles BackendMode will get my profile name


public_profiles prompts for SteamID64, so that's at least figured out. It also fails with the "Offline" and bad retry link

crw614 commented 1 year ago

is it possible to manually switch for public_profiles for now? I deleted my old plugin folder (and my saved profile, I'm guessing), so I'm not sure how the public_profiles BackendMode will get my profile name


public_profiles prompts for SteamID64, so that's at least figured out. It also fails with the "Offline" and bad retry link

public_profiles doesn't work too

weblue commented 1 year ago

This repo features pretty outdated documentation. Been trying to follow the README UPDATE PROTOBUF FILES, but invoke command doesn't work with the instructions given (step 3 in the update protobuf readme)

Getting this set up on a windows env has been a nightmare, and I'm not even sure I have the right .proto files (grabbed the ones from ValvePython/steam repo)

weblue commented 1 year ago

@FriendsOfGalaxy I do not think this is can be fixed by outside coders due to the lack of a for the invoke command (or fixed documentation, if I'm misunderstanding).

Danyelalejandro commented 1 year ago

+1 Is this integration abandoned?

TimTaine commented 1 year ago

+1 Is this integration abandoned?

I desperately hope not - 90% of my library is steam. Is there a workaround?

kyuuketsukikurai commented 1 year ago

Yep, same issue. Started after latest GoG Galaxy update for me. It's really frustrating that out of 13 integrations (not including the "official" ones), 7 of them don't work now.

PescheHelfer commented 1 year ago

It sure looks abandoned, the last update was on November 4, 2021. It's a pitty GoG doesn't invest some ressources in maintaining the integrations. Without Steam integration, GoG Galaxy is pretty much pointless. :( Of course, anybody with the proper background could fix it. I don't have the proper background, though :( Maybe we can ask ChatGPT ;)

Krynh commented 1 year ago

+1 Is this integration abandoned?

Yes. Last activity from @FriendsOfGalaxy was on the 8th September 2021

ccorsano commented 1 year ago

This repo features pretty outdated documentation. Been trying to follow the README UPDATE PROTOBUF FILES, but invoke command doesn't work with the instructions given (step 3 in the update protobuf readme)

Getting this set up on a windows env has been a nightmare, and I'm not even sure I have the right .proto files (grabbed the ones from ValvePython/steam repo)

I went through this part, I could generate from the Steam proto linked in the documentation using the protobuf compiler directly. Using the old referenced version of protobuf (3.18.1) gives a matching output, with the updated definitions of course.

The issue with this whole Steam WebSocket based protocol is that, AFAIK, this is not an official public API. I expect this is reverse engineered from the Steam client itself, and it looks like something significant might have changed there in the login process. Someone will have to catch up on that front first before this can be fixed I am afraid.

PescheHelfer commented 1 year ago

I wonder if the SteamLibrary integration code from Playnite could be of any help:

fabiotaro commented 1 year ago


MatheusVitor314 commented 1 year ago


smeep0 commented 1 year ago


Pilogoude commented 1 year ago


OpenRift412 commented 1 year ago

+1. I saw someone make a fork with a commit about an hour ago, don't know if they're gonna try to do a pull request with a fix or if that's unrelated.

Prodromaki commented 1 year ago

Also having the same problem for the past few days.

PescheHelfer commented 1 year ago

+1. I saw someone make a fork with a commit about an hour ago, don't know if they're gonna try to do a pull request with a fix or if that's unrelated.

Sounds good. What happens with a PR if the owner of the repo is no longer active? Can it be approved by someone else?

LauraRozier commented 1 year ago

Got it at least buildable now.. Still working on a fix but it's a start:

LauraRozier commented 1 year ago

Managed to pull all info, just not getting the "remember me" token :/ Working on fixing that.

LauraRozier commented 1 year ago

CMsgClientUpdateMachineAuthResponse never gets sent, a cloo

marvelvang commented 1 year ago

thibmo, thanks for your efforts! Good luck

ReiTung commented 1 year ago

@thibmo many thanks for all your efforts, very much appreciated! Will you changes be pulled into the FoG Master Branch (and hence be a new version number triggering an update of the plugin), or do we have to apply any fixes on our own? Or, are you planning to keep your own branch up to date with own version numbers?

again, many thanks Rei

LauraRozier commented 1 year ago

I'll just make a PR. mhm It's a bit challenging working through this thing, not knowing the proper auth flow, which seems to have changed.

ReiTung commented 1 year ago

as one of the many here without any clue on coding, we simply have (and do!) trust you! again, thanks for picking this up!

marvelvang commented 1 year ago

@thibmo yes the auth flow seems to have competely changed last year AFAIK, maybe this helps:

LauraRozier commented 1 year ago Yeah I just noticed it. Time to completely rewrite auth I guess.. smile

salvador-lax commented 1 year ago

hello, here to report since i updated from windows10 to windows11 i have this issue, dunno if it has something to do with that, thought i would be usefull

Danyelalejandro commented 1 year ago

No. It is a general and global issue. Main Devs haven't updated the integration since a long time, but it seems other Devs are helping right now. Let´s hope they can be succesful.