FriendsOfGalaxy / galaxy-integration-steam

Integration with Steam for Galaxy
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Steam achievements not syncing anymore #92

Closed Swampertrocks closed 3 years ago

Swampertrocks commented 3 years ago

Hi, I've been loving using The GOG galaxy launcher to combine all my PC libraries. Unfortunately my steam achievements stopped syncing. Even if I manually press Sync integrations. I decided to completely uninstall it and then reinstall it. And now I even lost achievements it counted before. I had 3000 achievements before I uninstalled it. And now after the reinstall it says I only have around 1000 achievements. However The playtime tracker still works fine. I hope you can help me to fix this. Thanks in advance.

Silphatos commented 3 years ago

Same problem here, I disconnected the plugin as it wasn't syncing the latest achievements for about a week. Now after the reconnect, it only synced ~3000 while I had ~6000 before. BTW latest version 0.53 doesn't even work for me, I was using 0.52 for a while. It was working fine until last week and it still somewhat works other than not being able to sync all my achievements.

Krynh commented 3 years ago

Same problem for me, I cannot get any new achievements to sync and only have ones from almost 10 years ago showing up.

DogOnGH commented 3 years ago

Same. Achievements didn't update in the last few days. As the others before me, I tried to disconnect and reconnect the plugin, plus manually reinstall it, and now it has only updated achievements of games I played for the 1st time almost 4 years ago, right after I registered on Steam. All the achievements of games I played in the past 2-3 years aren't updating (0%).

Silphatos commented 3 years ago

So any update on this @FriendsOfGalaxy ?

Swampertrocks commented 3 years ago

It looks to me this is a widespread issue maybe @FriendsOfGalaxy you should fix this just saying.

Pab10Suarez commented 3 years ago

same here, i noticed that a new achievement i got in l4d2 didn't pop out in gog galaxy so i reconnected steam integration and now i don't have any achievement there in gog galaxy

Swampertrocks commented 3 years ago

@FriendsOfGalaxy are you gonna fix this issue or at least acknowledge it's an issue?

Krynh commented 3 years ago

Any updates on this @FriendsOfGalaxy ?

UnperfectOne commented 3 years ago

I can confirm I'm also having this issue.

Swampertrocks commented 3 years ago

Before I asked about this problem here. I asked the same question at GOG support directly. They answered within 24 hours and they told me to ask it here yet you guys seem to go the ignore route.

DogOnGH commented 3 years ago

@Swampertrocks I may be wrong, but at GOG they're payed for it (btw I contacted them first too and they never answered me), this is instead a community plugin. So, my piece of advice is to take it easy and be less demanding on whoever works on it, I tell you this because you sound kind of frustrated. I'm sure, eventually, someone will look into it and we will get our beloved numbers back (no sarcasm intended).

Demitrix2k commented 3 years ago

Same here as of current date

Krynh commented 3 years ago

@DogOnGH Not judging by the last update date on the files.

Swampertrocks commented 3 years ago

I did a reconnect of the steam plugin and now I lost all my steam achievements.

Swampertrocks commented 3 years ago

After clicking sync integrations a couple of times I got the achievements back that reappeared after the reinstall before (see first post). But all the "newer" achievements are still gone.

NatParable commented 3 years ago

I'm not getting any achievements either. Even if there's no update, it would be nice to have some communication from @FriendsOfGalaxy , at least some sort of acknowledgement of the issue.

Swampertrocks commented 3 years ago

Will this ever get fixed? :(

Pab10Suarez commented 3 years ago

I guess they're on vacation :c, i hope we soon see something about it

Krynh commented 3 years ago

In spite of the dev ignoring this there's a solution posted on the GoG Galaxy subreddit that implements the code from the pull requests for a new plugin files

Swampertrocks commented 3 years ago

Thanks @Krynh I downloaded the files put them in the right folders and that fixed it. Thank you so much 🥇

Pab10Suarez commented 3 years ago

That solution also worked for me, it just takes a bit to be applied

FriendsOfGalaxy commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry for being offline for long time. A new version with that fix was just released.

Swampertrocks commented 3 years ago

Well glad you fixed it for everybody