FriendsOfShopware / FroshDevelopmentHelper

Helpful development tools
79 stars 15 forks source link

Development Helper for Shopware 6

Successor plugin of FroshProfiler and FroshMailCatcher


Git Version


Generate plugin

./bin/console frosh:make:plugin <plugin-name>

Optional with --namespace=xxx\\xx specifying the namespace

Generating Entities or edit Entities

Start wizard with

./bin/console frosh:make:definition My\\Plugin\\Namespace\\SomeDefinition

Generate Migration

./bin/console frosh:make:migration <plugin-name> <entity-name>

Example entity name: product, category, order

Checks the difference of that definition with the database and creates a migration

Generate Twig Extension file

./bin/console frosh:extend:template <plugin-name>

Asks for the block you want to extend and creates the twig extension file for you

SQL Logger for Console Debugging

Prints executed SQL to the console, in such a way that they can be easily copied to other SQL tools for further debugging. This is similar to the symfony debug bar, but useful in CLI commands and tests.


     new \Frosh\DevelopmentHelper\Doctrine\EchoSQLLogger()

Known issues

Some HTML is not rendered correctly when this plugin is active 💣

This plugin can cause problems with blocks, due to the feature to show the block name as HTML comment. If you encounter such issues with your plugin or project, you can configure this in config/packages/frosh_development_helper.yaml

There is a predefined list of pattern which likely would cause such problems - feel free to provide a pull request with more such generic patterns.