FriendsOfShopware / FroshProfiler

This plugin allows you to profile your Shopware 5 application
MIT License
157 stars 41 forks source link

Shopware CLI not working after plugin installation #59

Closed phoenixrvd closed 6 years ago

phoenixrvd commented 6 years ago

Shopware-Version: 5.3.4 PHP-Version: 7.1.8


php -dxdebug.max_nesting_level=1000 bin/console

Output: PHP Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '1000' reached, aborting! in vendor/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Util/ClassUtils.php on line 42

Aufter plugin deactivation working the Shopware CLI again

shyim commented 6 years ago

Hey, the plugin does not profile on cli. I guess there must be a conflict with a another plugin. I tested the same on 5.3 branch newest plugin version.

➜  sw53 git:(fix_filter_float) ✗ ./bin/console sw:plugin:install --activate ShyimProfiler
Plugin ShyimProfiler has been installed successfully.
Plugin ShyimProfiler has been activated successfully.
➜  sw53 git:(fix_filter_float) ✗ ./bin/console 
Shopware version ___VERSION___ - /production

  command [options] [arguments]

  -h, --help               Display this help message
  -q, --quiet              Do not output any message
  -V, --version            Display this application version
      --ansi               Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi            Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction     Do not ask any interactive question
  -s, --shell              Launch the shell.
      --process-isolation  Launch commands from shell as a separate process.
  -e, --env=ENV            The Environment name. [default: "production"]
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose     Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Available commands:
  help                                       Displays help for a command
  list                                       Lists commands
  dbal:import                                Import SQL file(s) directly to Database.
  dbal:run-sql                               Executes arbitrary SQL directly from the command line.
  orm:clear-cache:metadata                   Clear all metadata cache of the various cache drivers.
  orm:clear-cache:query                      Clear all query cache of the various cache drivers.
  orm:clear-cache:result                     Clear all result cache of the various cache drivers.
  orm:convert-d1-schema                      Converts Doctrine 1.X schema into a Doctrine 2.X schema.
  orm:convert-mapping                        Convert mapping information between supported formats.
  orm:convert:d1-schema                      Converts Doctrine 1.X schema into a Doctrine 2.X schema.
  orm:convert:mapping                        Convert mapping information between supported formats.
  orm:ensure-production-settings             Verify that Doctrine is properly configured for a production environment.
  orm:generate-entities                      Generate entity classes and method stubs from your mapping information.
  orm:generate-proxies                       Generates proxy classes for entity classes.
  orm:generate-repositories                  Generate repository classes from your mapping information.
  orm:generate:entities                      Generate entity classes and method stubs from your mapping information.
  orm:generate:proxies                       Generates proxy classes for entity classes.
  orm:generate:repositories                  Generate repository classes from your mapping information.
  orm:info                                   Show basic information about all mapped entities
  orm:mapping:describe                       Display information about mapped objects
  orm:run-dql                                Executes arbitrary DQL directly from the command line.
  orm:schema-tool:create                     Processes the schema and either create it directly on EntityManager Storage Connection or generate the SQL output.
  orm:schema-tool:drop                       Drop the complete database schema of EntityManager Storage Connection or generate the corresponding SQL output.
  orm:schema-tool:update                     Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to update the database schema to match the current mapping metadata.
  orm:validate-schema                        Validate the mapping files.
  sw:admin:create                            Create a new administrator user
  sw:cache:clear                             Clears the cache
  sw:clone:category:tree                     Duplicates the category tree.
  sw:cron:list                               Lists cronjobs.
  sw:cron:run                                Runs cronjobs.
  sw:customer:search:index:populate          Refreshes the search index for the customer search
  sw:customer:stream:index:populate          Refreshs all Customer Streams with the saved conditions
  sw:es:analyze                              Helper tool to test own analyzers.
  sw:es:backlog:clear                        Remove backlog entries that are already synchronized.
  sw:es:backlog:sync                         Synchronize events from the backlog to the live index.
  sw:es:index:cleanup                        Remove unused Elasticsearch indices.
  sw:es:index:populate                       Reindex all shops into a new index and switch the live-system alias after the index process.
  sw:es:switch:alias                         Allows to switch live-system aliases.
  sw:firstrunwizard:disable                  Disable the first run wizard.
  sw:firstrunwizard:enable                   Enable the first run wizard.
  sw:generate:attributes                     Generates attribute models.
  sw:media:cleanup                           Collect unused media move them to trash.
  sw:media:migrate                           Migrate images to new structure
  sw:media:optimize                          Optimize uploaded media without quality loss.
  sw:migrate:article:attribute:translations  Migrates article attribute translations from Shopware 5.1 to Shopware 5.2
  sw:plugin:activate                         Activates a plugin.
  sw:plugin:config:list                      Lists plugin configuration.
  sw:plugin:config:set                       Sets plugin configuration.
  sw:plugin:deactivate                       Deactivates a plugin.
  sw:plugin:delete                           Deletes a plugin.
  sw:plugin:install                          Installs a plugin.
  sw:plugin:list                             Lists plugins.
  sw:plugin:refresh                          Refreshes plugin list.
  sw:plugin:reinstall                        Reinstalls the provided plugin
  sw:plugin:uninstall                        Uninstalls a plugin.
  sw:plugin:update                           Updates a plugin.
  sw:product:feeds:list                      List product feeds.
  sw:product:feeds:refresh                   Refreshes product feed cache files.
  sw:rebuild:category:tree                   Rebuild the category tree
  sw:rebuild:seo:index                       Rebuild the SEO index
  sw:refresh:search:index                    Refreshes and regenerates the search index
  sw:session:cleanup                         Removes expired sessions
  sw:settings:label:find:missing             Dump missing settings labels from the database into php arrays files
  sw:snippets:find:missing                   Find missing snippets in the database and dumps them into .ini files
  sw:snippets:remove                         Remove snippets from the database for a specific folder
  sw:snippets:to:db                          Load snippets from .ini files into database
  sw:snippets:to:ini                         Dump snippets from the database into .ini files
  sw:snippets:to:sql                         Load snippets from .ini files into sql file
  sw:snippets:validate                       Validates .ini files containing snippets
  sw:store:download                          Downloads a plugin from the community store
  sw:store:list                              List licensed plugins.
  sw:store:list:domains                      List connected domains.
  sw:store:list:integrated                   List all integrated plugins.
  sw:store:list:updates                      Lists updates for installed plugins.
  sw:theme:cache:generate                    Generates theme caches.
  sw:theme:create                            Creates a theme.
  sw:theme:dump:configuration                Dumps the theme configuration into json files
  sw:theme:initialize                        Initializes themes. Enables responsive theme for the default shop.
  sw:theme:synchronize                       Synchronizes theme configurations with the database
  sw:thumbnail:cleanup                       Deletes thumbnails for images whose original file has been deleted.
  sw:thumbnail:generate                      Generates a new Thumbnail.
  sw:warm:http:cache                         Warm up http cache
➜  sw53 git:(fix_filter_float) ✗ php -v
PHP 7.1.11 (cli) (built: Nov  6 2017 13:27:59) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies
    with the ionCube PHP Loader v10.0.4, Copyright (c) 2002-2017, by ionCube Ltd.
    with Xdebug v2.5.5, Copyright (c) 2002-2017, by Derick Rethans

Also cleared entire cache.

phoenixrvd commented 6 years ago

It was my cache... Sorry.

Solved by cache clearing.