FriendsOfShopware / FroshProfiler

This plugin allows you to profile your Shopware 5 application
MIT License
159 stars 41 forks source link


Travis CI Download @ Community Store

Profiling for Shopware

Version Requirements Availability
1.3 Min. Shopware 5.2, PHP 5.6 Github & Community Store
1.4 Min. Shopware 5.6, PHP 7.2 Github & Community Store

Please create Pull Requests to the lowest version


Zip Installation package for the Shopware Plugin Manager

Git Version

Install with composer


Var Dump Server

Starting with 1.3.0 profiler does also support var dump server from Symfony 4.1.

How to use it?


Adding additional stop watch events

$this->get('frosh_profiler.stop_watch')->start('Watch Name');

// Your code

$this->get('frosh_profiler.stop_watch')->stop('Watch Name');

Go to Performance tab, and your custom events are shown there

JavaScript: StateManager and Event Logging

Will log ...

... PubSub events:

... Plugin registration:

... Breakpoint change:

... Plugin initialization:


You can filter output by ...

To set filter use the javascript console and the following functions, corresponding to each filter:

StateDebug.setFilterEvent(['onTrackItems', 'onSetSizes']);

You can pass a single filter criteria as string or an array of multiple filter criterias.

Type criterias need to be exact and valid (see above). Event and plugin name criterias can include part of the name.

To reset filter criterias call the functions without any arguments.

Backend Profiling

Backend Profiling can be enabled in plugin configuration. The Profile link can be retrieved from the Request Response Header "X-Profiler-URL"


Browser Toolbar

Performance Profiling