Frlnc / php-slack

A lightweight PHP implementation of Slack's API.
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PHP Slack

A lightweight PHP implementation of Slack's API.


To use this package, it's simple. Though please note that this implementation is very lightweight meaning you'll need to do some more work than usual. This package doesn't provide methods such as Chat::postMessage(string message), it literally provides one method (Commander::execute(string command, array parameters = [])).

Here is a very simple example of using this package:


use Frlnc\Slack\Http\SlackResponseFactory;
use Frlnc\Slack\Http\CurlInteractor;
use Frlnc\Slack\Core\Commander;

$interactor = new CurlInteractor;
$interactor->setResponseFactory(new SlackResponseFactory);

$commander = new Commander('xoxp-some-token-for-slack', $interactor);

$response = $commander->execute('chat.postMessage', [
    'channel' => '#general',
    'text'    => 'Hello, world!'

if ($response['ok'])
    // Command worked
    // Command didn't work

Note that Commander will automatically format most inputs to Slack's requirements but attachments are not supported - you will need to manually call $text = Commander::format($text) to convert it.