Front-End-Resort / relite

A redux-like library for managing state with simpler api.
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link


a redux-like library for managing state with simpler api (1kb)


redux is awesome, but is not enough simple for small and middle application.

With relite, we don't need to combine | apply | bind anything, just write pure function and call actions, it done.

What's new(3.0.0)


npm install --save relite

How to use

Write pure function

the action of relite looks like a reducer of redux, but more simple and powerful.

* an action consist of action-type, action-payload, action-handler and action-result
* at this example
* action-type is EXEC_BY
* action-handler is the function accepts two arguments: state and action-payload
* action-result is the result of function

// javascript
export let EXEC_BY = (state, input) => {
    let value = parseFloat(input, 10)
    return isNaN(value) ? state : {
        count: state.count + value

// typescript
import { Action } from 'relite'

type State = {
  // ...
  count: number

export let EXEC_BY: Action<State, number> = (state, input) => {
    return isNaN(value) ? state : {
        count: state.count + input

Create store by actions and initialState

import { createStore } from 'relite'
import * as actions from './actions'

let initialState = {
    count: 0
let store = createStore(actions, intialState)

* relite will bind state for every actions you gave to `createStore`
* so all the functions in store.actions can only accept one argument, action-payload
* no need to bindActionCreators
* each actions return currentState or promise with currentState
let { INCREMENT, EXEC_BY } = store.actions
INCREMENT() // -> { count: 1 }
EXEC_ASYNC(9) // -> Promise[[{ count: 10 }]]

* subscribe store by store.subscribe
* when the state was changed/updateed, relite would trigger the listeners
* if action-handler return the same state, listeners would not be triggered
let unsubscribe = store.subscribe((data) => {
 let {
  actionType, // action-type
  actionPayload, // action-payload
  start, // start date
  end, // end date
  previousState, // prev-state
  currentState // cur-state
 } = data

let newState = {
 count: 0,
let simulateData = {
 actionType: 'REPLACE_STATE',
 actionPayload: null,
 start: new Date(),
 end: new Date,
 previousState: store.getState(), // get current state
 currentState: newState,
let keepSilent = false // if true, it will not trigger listeners

// replace state by store.replaceState
store.replaceState(newState, simulateData, false)

// trigger listener by store.publish

store.dispatch('EXEC_ASYNC', 10) // dispatch the action manually


import { createStore } from 'relite'
import createLogger from 'relite/logger'


const store = createStore(actions, initialState)


Issue and pull request is welcome!