Frontend-YH / whiteboard-app

React Native Whiteboard App
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Whiteboard app


This React Native application, built with Expo Go, serves as a whiteboard for taking notes. It was developed as a final project in school during 3-weeks.


1. Clone the Project:

Clone the project repository using the following command in your terminal:

git clone

2. Install Dependencies:

Ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed:

npm install

3. Running the App:

You can run the app using either of these methods:

Expo Server:

Open the project directory in your terminal. Run expo start Use the Expo Go app on your phone to scan the QR code displayed.

Expo Client:

Open the project directory in your terminal. Run expo run-ios or expo run-android (depending on your preferred device).

NoseJS Backend

  1. Go to /backend directory and run:

    npm install
  2. Create MongoDB Atlas database. Create API key. Go to line 79 and 144 of app.js and change to your newly created MongoDB Atlas URI/settings.

  3. Connect to MongoDB Atlas with for example MongoDB Compass and create a whiteboard database. Create an empty collection named wbposts inside.

  4. Start the backend in the /backend directory:

node app.js
  1. Go to the frontend and test the application.

Using the App

Upon launching the app, you'll be presented with a start screen.

You can:

Create: Add a quick note by creating a new whiteboard.
Change theme: Select a different themes from the theme picker at the bottom of the screen.
Edit: Tap the whiteboard that you have created, from here you can edit your whiteboard and then hit save.
Delete: Tap the trashcan icon to remove the entire whiteboard.

Technologies used

React Native   Javascript   Expo Go   Node.js   MongoDB   Express   SQLite

Additional Notes

This app is intended for basic note-taking and sharing purposes. In the next stage of developing the application advanced features like sharing notes with a QR-code will be implemented.


adding wb   Beertheme   MainWithPost   ThemeSelect  


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
