Fruga-Budget / Fruga-be

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Fruga Backend Service (Fruga-be)

This repository contains the backend service for the Fruga application. The backend is built using Ruby on Rails and provides a RESTful API to manage budget-related data.


Ruby 3.2.2 Rails 7.1.4 PostgreSQL Node

Getting Started

Clone the Repository

git clone
cd Fruga-be

Install Dependencies

Ruby and Rails dependencies:

bundle install

Database Setup

Create and setup the database:

rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed

Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following environment variables:


Start the Server

To start the Rails server, run:

rails server

The server will be available at http://localhost:3000.


API Endpoints

The API provides endpoints for managing budget-related data. Here are some example endpoints:

Create advice:

POST /api/v1/users/:user_id/advices
  "total_income": 5000,
  "needs": [
    {"name": "Rent", "cost": 1500, "description": "On a lease, this can't be changed!", "isNegotiable": false},
    {"name": "Utilities", "cost": 500, "description": "", "isNegotiable": true},
    {"name": "Misc.", "cost": 500, "description": "Food Budget, Gas", "isNegotiable": false}
  "wants": [
    {"name": "Dining Out", "cost": 500, "description": "Yummy!"},
    {"name": "Entertainment", "cost": 500, "description": "Going to the movies is important to me"},
    {"name": "Starbucks Coffee", "cost": 200, "description": "I don't know how to make coffee"},
    {"name": "Shoes", "cost": 500, "description": "Every time I drive by DSW I buy shoes"}
  "savings": [
    {"name": "401k", "cost": 200, "description": "Deposited from paycheck at work."},
    {"name": "Savings Account", "cost": 800, "description": "0.5% apr"}

typical response:

    "advice": "Based on the user's current budget breakdown:\n\n- Needs total: $2500\n- Wants total: $1700\n- Savings total: $1000\n\nTotal expenses: $5200, exceeding income of $5000.\n\nRecommendations:\n1. Consider reducing spending on dining out, entertainment, and shoes.\n2. Modify utilities and miscellaneous expenses if possible.\n3. Increase savings allocation if able.\n\nRevised budget breakdown to meet 50/30/20 rule:\n- Needs: $1500\n- Wants: $1500\n- Savings: $1000\n\nAdjusted allocation:\n- Rent: $1500 (unchanged)\n- Utilities: $300 (reduced)\n- Misc.: $200 (reduced)\n- Dining Out: $250 (reduced)\n- Entertainment: $250 (reduced)\n- Starbucks Coffee: $100 (reduced)\n- Shoes: $150 (reduced)\n- 401k: $200 (unchanged)\n- Savings Account: $800 (unchanged)"

Create a user: Note: there is a 10 character password requirement

POST /api/v1/users
  user_name: 'Bolt',
  password: 'treats4lyf',
  password_confirmation: 'treats4lyf'

Login a user:

POST /api/v1/sessions
  user_name: 'Odell',
  password: 'treats4lyf'

Running Tests

To run the test suite, use:

bundle exec rspec spec

Contributions and contributing

This backend app was made possible by Nico and Steddman. More info can be found in organization .github.

Please submit a PR using the PR template mentioned in the readme in .github repo.