FruitbatM / roast-hive

An e-commerce website that sells different kinds of coffee from around the world
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bootstrap5 crud csharp dotnet ecommerce jquery js

Roast Hive

An e-commerce website that sells different kinds of coffee from around the world

This is an application built on .NET CORE MVC which provides a user-friendly and visually appealing interface, as well as integrates essential features for managing products, and customers accounts.



  1. Fork and clone the repository:
    git clone


Download the zipped file

  1. Navigate to the project directory.
cd project-file-path 
  1. Build and run the application:
dotnet build
dotnet run
  1. Access the application in your web browser at using the URL provided in the terminal.

Users and Permissions

Users can register online. However, permissions will need to be modified using SQL queries. Having an admintrative role will allow a user to manage the products online.

To assign a user an adminitrator role:

  1. Right click on the database RoastHiveApiMVC.db in Visual Code and choose open.

  2. Locate the AspNetRoles table and right-click it.

  3. Select the New Query [Insert] option and insert the following code in the editor:

    INSERT INTO AspNetRoles (Id, Name, NormalizedName, ConcurrencyStamp)
    VALUES ("ID Value", "Administrator", "ADMINISTRATOR", "ConcurrencyStamp Value");
  4. Run query.

  5. To assign the admin role, the user account id is first needed. Run the following query:

    SELECT Id FROM AspNetUsers
  6. Copy the ID and then replace the with the correct value in the query below:

    INSERT INTO AspNetUserRoles(UserId, RoleId)
    VALUES ("<USER ID>", "72c79f64-d8b1-4ed1-9d22-1e51acc01f36")