FuTaimeng / auto_calibration

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Targetless Extrinsic Calibration of Stereo, Thermal, and Laser Sensors in Structured Environments

A new targetless cross-modal calibration system focusing on the extrinsic transformations among stereo cameras, thermal cameras, and laser sensors. Our method requires no dedicated targets and performs the multi-sensor calibration in a single shot without human interaction.

image Laser points projected on RGB image (converted to grayscale for better visualization) with initial and calibrated extrinsic.

image Stereo and laser edge projections (red dots) on thermal images before and after thermal extrinsic calibration on four datasets.


Please use the DockerFile we provided to configure the enviroment.


mkdir -p ~/calib_ws/src
cd ~/calib_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/FuTaimeng/auto_calib.git
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash

Run Quick Test

Download test data


Laser to stereo calibration

roslaunch auto_calibration lidar_extrinsic_optimizer_node.launch path:=/path/to/dataset

Stereo-and-laser to thermal calibration

roslaunch auto_calibration thermal_extrinsic_optimizer_node.launch path:=/path/to/dataset

Stereo-only to laser calibration

roslaunch auto_calibration thermal_extrinsic_optimizer_node.launch path:=/path/to/dataset cloud_dir:=stereo_clouds_edge

Run from begining

Download bag files



Extract data

roslaunch auto_calibration extraction_node.launch path:=/path/to/dataset & \
rosbag play -d 1 -r 0.5 path/to/bagfile/camera_100.bag & \
rosbag play -d 1 -r 0.5 path/to/bagfile/lidar_100.bag

Undistort images

Prepare stereo and thermal intrinsic calibration files in calib/stereo and calib/thermal. You can use the files we provided.

roslaunch auto_calibration image_processor_node.launch path:=/path/to/dataset

Stereo matching and triangulation

roslaunch auto_calibration stereo_pair_feature_matcher_node.launch path:=/path/to/dataset
roslaunch auto_calibration stereo_triangulation_node.launch path:=/path/to/dataset

Laser to stereo calibration

roslaunch auto_calibration lidar_extrinsic_optimizer_node.launch path:=/path/to/dataset

Stereo edge cloud generation

python ~/calib_ws/src/auto_calibration/src/stereo_edge_flow.py /path/to/dataset

Stereo-only to laser calibration

roslaunch auto_calibration thermal_extrinsic_optimizer_node.launch path:=/path/to/dataset cloud_dir:=stereo_clouds_edge

Merge stereo and laser clouds

roslaunch auto_calibration merge_lidar_stereo_cloud_node.launch path:=/path/to/dataset

Stereo-and-laser to thermal calibration

roslaunch auto_calibration thermal_extrinsic_optimizer_node.launch path:=/path/to/dataset


  title={Targetless Extrinsic Calibration of Stereo Cameras, Thermal Cameras, and Laser Sensors in the Wild},
  author={Fu, Taimeng and Yu, Huai and Hu, Yaoyu and Scherer, Sebastian},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.13414},