asMSX is a Z80 cross-assembler for MSX, originally developed by Eduardo "pitpan" A. Robsy Petrus and now mantained by the asMSX team. This project is based on GPLv3 code release by Lucas "cjv99". MRC wiki has an entry for asMSX.
Please read asMSX manual to learn more.
DOWNLOAD: You can find latest binary release here.
Also you can use Docker image from GitHub Packages:
docker pull
If you'd like to contribute to this project, please take a look at our coding style guide.
Please help us improve test coverage for the code. Read our testing guide and contribure!
The asMSX team is a undefined collective that has worked on this program or has helped with it. asMSX wont be as it is if it wasn't for the colaboration of:
Contact us to include yours!
Estructura de carpetas
Instrucciones para compilar
Muchas gracias a pitpan el auténtico y genuino creador del compilador asmsx. cjv99 un humilde servidor que libera asmsx abierta para su distribución de forma gratuita.