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Transcripts of the Alex Jones Show
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This repository contains machine generated transcripts of The Alex Jones Show, collected from several sources. All of the recent episodes come from the InfoWars RSS archive which contains episodes from 2008-03-18 to today. Most of the episodes from before 2008 come from Genesis Communications Network archives, with additional episodes from archives of PrisonPlanet.com from WaybackMachine and files uploaded to the InternetArchive. The earliest stuff comes from a WaybackMachine snapshot of The Political Texan, which unfornately only saved the first 1MB of the RealAudio episodes, which is about 15 minutes of audio.

The transcripts are generated automatically by WhisperX and are based on at the time of writing almost 20,000 hours of audio.

I have created a simple fulltext search site based on all the transcripts, which links to the relevant audio so you can listen to the source material.