FudgeRK / MyfansDownloader

Scrap post and Download video
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 1 forks source link

Myfans.jp Downloader

Scrap post and Download


All of this python code is generated by chatgpt-3.5 and can be used to retrieve data post id and download all files easily. Auto switch video quality (1080P is base) if not found

Type Support Yes or No
Videos 1080P
Videos no 720P on Official
Videos 480P
Videos 360P
Images All


♦️ set the token in the header.txt file. (if you want download free content no require)
from cookies on the website myfans.jp.

Screenshot 2023-11-30 023059 Screenshot 2023-11-30 022826 Can be found from _mfans_token= or Token token=

♦️ This code run base on python version >= 3.8
♦️ reqiure FFmpeg

How to use

run python

python main.py
  1. Scrap all post id to .txt(if you want to download all videos)
  2. To download all video files (require .txt file) or single file (require post id).
  3. To download all pictures just type name of creator (no require post id)

Special Thanks
