Fus3n / infinite-sides

Infinite Craft but in Pyside6 and Python with local LLM (llama2 & others) using Ollama
MIT License
26 stars 2 forks source link
desktop-app game gui infinite-craft infinite-sides local-llm ollama pyside6 python


Infinite Craft but in pyside6 and in your computer using local LLM with ollama and also has a dark mode.

Create your own infinite Crafting game



Installation ⏬


Download Infinite Sides



Make sure you have ollama set up already and have atleast one model, currently infinite-sides uses llama2, all the installation guide is in their github page

But for basics, just install the binary and type this in terminal: ollama run llama2 it should download llama2 model and make sure the ollama application is running in background

You also need a relatively decent computer/gpu to get reasonable speed in the game, it will generate the response in your computer afterall


git clone https://github.com/Fus3n/infinite-sides
cd infinite-sides

Linux (not tested):

git clone https://github.com/Fus3n/infinite-sides
cd infinite-sides
python3 start.py

Usage/Controls 🎮


For app settings you can open App > Settings and set your desired prompt and model. You can also set the base URL that ollama runs on, if it ever changes you need to set that, for now its using the default one.

You can also port forward using ngrok and use that url if you want and share it with your friends.

This software is still under development, alot of features are missing and alot of bugs, the plan is to make it so people can make different types of crafitng game for example a minecraft edition or one thats only related a specific subject and people can make custom system prompts and share with others and enjoy it


Licensed under the MIT License.