Fusion-Power-Plant-Framework / bluemira

Bluemira is an integrated inter-disciplinary design tool for future fusion reactors. It incorporates several modules, some of which rely on other codes, to carry out a range of typical conceptual fusion reactor design activities.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Winding pack design optimisations #138

Open DanShort12 opened 2 years ago

DanShort12 commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @CoronelBuendia on Jun 24, 2020, 15:51

CEA have a tool that does this, but it only supports their winding packs. It is a "proprietary" Excel spreadsheet... at least last time I saw it in action; it isn't automated, it needs to be used and frequently tweaked by an expert. All things considered it's fairly crude, if useful.

A group in SPC (specifically, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen) and another in ENEA have similar capabilities for their own winding pack designs. Although they don't call them tools as such, they have this "capability" which I imagine isn't entirely manual. The difficulty is, all of these are proprietary or "in-confidence" and the relevant knowledge doesn't really exist inside the organisation. These approaches also are specific to winding pack designs. Many of the conductors used in these designs have been tested in representative EM conditions, so there are quite a few experimental tweaking factors in these tools

The way winding packs are designed is to first have a guess on the size, sometimes using existing 1-D models (e.g. in PROCESS) or just saying current density = 12.5 MA/m^2, then have a stab in 2-D, and then check everything works in higher fidelity models (3-D FEA and other studies). We'd like to improve on the 2-D design step: replicating some existing capability in other labs, but improving and automating the process. We'd also like to prepare inputs for the higher fidelity models. It would need to run fairly fast (~seconds) and could potentially be used to make reduced-order models informing our simple guesstimates on things like "average winding pack current density" for a design.

DanShort12 commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @sebkahn on Mar 11, 2021, 18:03

Many of these considerations are covered by the PROCESS magnet module

CoronelBuendia commented 1 year ago

@ivanmaione feel free to modify but I wrote a (very rough) problem description for this a while ago. Our perspectives may have changed since!