Fusion-Power-Plant-Framework / bluemira

Bluemira is an integrated inter-disciplinary design tool for future fusion reactors. It incorporates several modules, some of which rely on other codes, to carry out a range of typical conceptual fusion reactor design activities.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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design-optimisation nuclear-fusion tokamaks

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Bluemira is an integrated inter-disciplinary design tool for future fusion reactors. It incorporates several modules, some of which rely on other codes, to carry out a range of typical conceptual fusion reactor design activities.

Bluemira was created from two similar codes: BLUEPRINT and MIRA (see publications).

Work in Progress!

The bluemira team has been working hard since mid-2021 to combine BLUEPRINT and MIRA into a single reactor design framework. We took the opportunity to embark upon a significant refactor of both code bases, delivering improved functionality, code quality, and hopefully maintainability. This, along with some resourcing issues has caused our feature roadmap to slip. A lot of functionality that was present in BLUEPRINT and MIRA is not yet available in bluemira.

Bluemira is very much under active development, and will likely be subject to API changes in the near future. We apologise in advance for these. Please do get in touch before starting to use any modules, so we can warn you of changes to come.

Below is an overview of our development roadmap for 2024/25:

Bluemira Roadmap

## Modules ``Bluemira`` is composed of various modules: * `balance_of_plant`: power balance solver and tools * `base`: the software backbone of the ``bluemira`` framework * `codes`: interfaces to external codes (both API and file PI) * `display`: plotting and display module * `equilibria`: equilibrium solvers and objects * `fuel_cycle`: fuel cycle model * `geometry`: the geometry "engine" of the ``bluemira`` framework * `magnetostatics`: magnetostatics solvers * `materials`: materials module * `optimisation`: interface to optimisers and associated tools * `plasma_physics`: 0-D plasma physics tools * `radiation_transport` **[WIP]**: radiation and advection transport solvers * `structural`: beam finite element structural solver * `utilities`: collection of utility toolboxes for file IO, databases, machine learning, and misc. ## Publications The ``bluemira`` code and its modules are described in the following publications: * TBD As ``bluemira`` is the result of an integration between two historical codes, some previous publications may also be of interest. The ``BLUEPRINT`` code and its modules are described in the following publications: * [BLUEPRINT: A novel approach to fusion reactor design, Coleman and McIntosh, *Fusion Engineering and Design* v **139** pp 26-38 (2019)](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0920379618308019) * [DEMO tritium fuel cycle: performance, parameter explorations, and design space constraints, Coleman, Hörstensmeyer and Cismondi, *Fusion Engineering and Design* v **141** pp79-90 (2019)](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S092037961930167X) * [The design and optimisation of tokamak poloidal field systems in the BLUEPRINT framework, Coleman and McIntosh, *Fusion Engineering and Design* v **154** 111544 (2020)](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fusengdes.2020.111544) * [High-speed generation of neutronics-ready CAD models for DEMO design, Coleman, Shimwell, Davis, and McIntosh, *Fusion Engineering and Design* v **160** 112043 (2020)](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0920379620305913) The ``MIRA`` code and its modules are described in the following publications: * [On the implementation of new technology modules for fusion reactor systems codes, Franza, Boccaccinni, Fischer, Gade, and Heller, *Fusion Engineering and Design*, v **98-99** pp 1767-1770 (2015)](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0920379615001933) * [Development of an advanced magnetic equilibrium model for fusion reactor system codes, Franza, Landman, and Petschanyi, *Fusion Engineering and Design*, v **136** pp 309-313 (2018)](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0920379618301157) * [Development and Validation of a Computational Tool for Fusion Reactors' System Analysis, Franza, Ph.D thesis, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (2019)](https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/1000095873) * [MIRA: a multi-physics approach to designing a fusion power plant, Franza, Boccaccini, Fable, Landman, Maione, Petschanyi, Stieglitz and Zohm, *Nuclear Fusion*, v **62** 076042 (2022)](https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1741-4326/ac6433) ## Terms of use ``Bluemira`` is [released under the LGPLv2.1 license](LICENSE), but we also ask that you show professional courtesy when using this code: 1. Since you are benefiting from work on ``bluemira``, we ask that you submit any improvements you make to the code to us by submitting a pull request to this repository. If you are looking to develop aspects of this code or add parts to it, please contact us beforehand so that we can help/advise if necessary. 2. If you use ``bluemira`` results in a paper or professional publication, we ask that you discuss your work and results with one of the ``bluemira`` authors first so that we can check them. It is not necessary to list ``bluemira`` developers as co-authors. If one or more of the ``bluemira`` team are involved in preparing results or new functionality used in your work, then those members should be offered a co-authorship. 3. If you use ``bluemira`` or any of its modules in your work, please help ensure that all the authors get the credit they deserve by citing the relevant ``bluemira``, ``BLUEPRINT``, and ``MIRA`` papers. For a full list of existing publications, see [here](#publications). ## Code of conduct See [code of conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## Installation See our [installation guide](https://bluemira.readthedocs.io/en/develop/installation.html). ## Developing For working on ``bluemira`` you will also need to install the development dependencies and the git pre-commit hook: ```shell python -m pip install --no-cache-dir -e .'[dev]' pre-commit install -f ``` Please see the [guidelines for contributing to bluemira](CONTRIBUTING.md). Tests are run with `pytest`. To run the main tests: ```shell pytest ``` To run all the tests: ```shell pytest --reactor --longrun --plotting-on ``` `pytest` also supports running individual test files and selecting tests by name or using a regular expression. See the [pytest documentation](https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/usage.html). After a test run an html report of the results can be found in `report.html`. A test coverage report can be found in the `htmlcov` directory. Further information about our testing can be found [here](CONTRIBUTING.md#testing). ## Building Documentation The documentation is built with Sphinx. In addition the API documentation is created by `sphinx-apidoc`. To build the html documentation execute this command: ```shell sphinx-build documentation/source documentation/build ``` New pages can be added by adding them to the `documentation/source` directory and adding a link in the `toctree` section of `index.rst`. The index page lives at `documentation/build/index.html`. API documentation will be automatically generated from the ``bluemira`` source code.