Closed je-cook closed 8 months ago
Here is the install script for fenicsx linked from #701
fyi @ivanmaione this will overwrite fencis-ufl everything else could be installed side by side
The labelling of the mesh in dolfinx seems to pull over the same information as our gmsh importer and test_override_lcar_surf
but test_mesh_poly
fails and gives the same result instead of half the node number but if I double lcars for the second half I get the expected result... @ivanmaione @oliverfunk :
from bluemira.geometry import tools
from bluemira.geometry.face import BluemiraFace
import bluemira.mesh.meshing as msh
from bluemira.base.look_and_feel import bluemira_print
import inspect
import gmsh
from mpi4py import MPI
import as gmshio
def test_override_lcar_surf_and_mesh_poly(lcar, nodes_num, half):
poly = tools.make_polygon(
[[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]], closed=True, label="poly"
poly.mesh_options = {"lcar": lcar, "physical_group": "poly"}
surf = BluemiraFace(poly, label="surf")
if half:
surf.mesh_options = {"lcar": lcar / 2, "physical_group": "coil"}
surf.mesh_options = {"physical_group": "coil"}
m = msh.Mesh()
mesh, *meshtags = gmshio.model_to_mesh(
gmsh.model, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, rank=0, gdim=2
return mesh, meshtags
def mesh_call(self, obj, dim=2):
Generate the mesh and save it to file.
bluemira_print("Starting mesh process...")
if "Component" in [c.__name__ for c in inspect.getmro(type(obj))]:
from import create_compound_from_component
obj = create_compound_from_component(obj)
if isinstance(obj, msh.Meshable):
# gmsh is initialized
msh._FreeCADGmsh._initialize_mesh(self.terminal, self.modelname)
# Mesh the object. A dictionary with the geometrical and internal
# information that are used by gmsh is returned. In particular,
# a gmsh key is added to any meshed entity.
buffer = self._Mesh__mesh_obj(obj, dim=dim)
# Check for possible intersection (only allowed at the boundary to adjust
# the gmsh_dictionary
msh.Mesh._Mesh__iterate_gmsh_dict(buffer, msh.Mesh._check_intersections)
# Create the physical groups
# apply the mesh size
# generate the mesh
# save the mesh file
# for file in self.meshfile:
# _FreeCADGmsh._save_mesh(file)
# # close gmsh
# _FreeCADGmsh._finalize_mesh(self.logfile)
raise ValueError("Only Meshable objects can be meshed")
bluemira_print("Mesh process completed.")
return buffer
# hack out the gmsh closing for now
msh.Mesh.__call__ = mesh_call
lcars = [0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5]
# lcars = [0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.1 * 2, 0.25 * 2, 0.5 * 2] # This works...
half = [True, True, True, False, False, False]
nodes_num = [80, 32, 16, 40, 16, 8]
meshes, meshtags = [], []
for lcar, nn in zip(lcars, nodes_num):
mesh, _meshtags = test_override_lcar_surf_and_mesh_poly(lcar, nn, half=half)
meshes += [mesh]
meshtags += [_meshtags]
assert _meshtags[-1].indices.size == nn
assert all(_meshtags[0].values == 1)
assert all(_meshtags[1].values == 2)
Accomplished in #2872 will go into develop with the python3.10 upgrade
Description of issue / requirement to address
At some point in the future we need to move to fenicsX as fenics is unmaintained and had its last update in 2019
Proposed solution
Update to fenicsX
Alternative solutions
Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.