Fusion86 / Cirilla

Library + GUI to view/modify Monster Hunter World files
MIT License
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Figure out what the unks do in GMD_Entry #10

Open Fusion86 opened 6 years ago

Fusion86 commented 6 years ago

Because since bcb3818c035b0b67cdd1b951dff6912be5f51ad8 the GMD.Save() function sets all those to zero (by default all fields in a struct are zero/null). While this works fine in game, there must be a reason why capcom didn't set them to zero.

sebastian-heinz commented 1 year ago

HI, found how to generate the binary blob here: https://github.com/onepiecefreak3/GMDConverter/blob/master/AllAAGMDStruct/GMD/GMD.cs#L357

And how I have implemented GMD reading/writing: https://github.com/sebastian-heinz/Arrowgene.DragonsDogmaOnline/blob/develop/Arrowgene.Ddon.Client/Resource/GuiMessage.cs