FusionAuth / fusionauth-nodejs-react-example

FusionAuth Example for Node.js and React
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 14 forks source link
fusionauth nodejs react todo

This repo is out of date and is archived. Check out an updated tutorial on using FusionAuth with React or the updated GitHub repository.

(ARCHIVED) FusionAuth NodeJS and React Example

This project contains an example project that illustrates using FusionAuth with NodeJS and React. The Node and React applications each have their own Readme with further explanations of the applications, including configuration options. Each application also has examples of how to deploy it view Jenkins, Gitlab, or Drone.


The application uses the core features a person would want to use from software like FusionAuth. In order to do that, the Todo example includes routing to make all of these items happen. Included features are:


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.


FusionAuth and Database Configuration

Running / Development

App Configuration

Details for how to configure each application (Node / React) will be detailed in their respective folders. This section will go over how to get everything set up as information may be required by both applications.