FuzzyGrim / Yamtrack

A self hosted media tracker.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Yamtrack is a self hosted media tracker for movies, tv shows, anime and manga.

You can try the app at yamtrack.fuzzygrim.com using the username demo and password demo.


Installing with Docker

Copy the default docker-compose.yml file from the repository and set the environment variables. This would use a SQlite database, which is enough for most use cases.

To start the containers run:

docker-compose up -d

Alternatively, if you need a PostgreSQL database, you can use the docker-compose.postgres.yml file.

Environment variables

Name Type Notes
TMDB_API String The Movie Database API key for movies and tv shows, a default key is provided
TMDB_NSFW Bool Default to false, set to true to include adult content in tv and movie searches
TMDB_LANG String TMDB metadata language, uses a Language code in ISO 639-1 e.g "en", for more specific results a country code in ISO 3166-1 can be added e.g "en-US"
MAL_API String MyAnimeList API key, for anime and manga, a default key is provided
MAL_NSFW Bool Default to false, set to true to include adult content in anime and manga searches
IGDB_ID String IGDB API key for games, a default key is provided but it's recommended to get your own as it has a low rate limit.
IGDB_SECRET String IGDB API secret for games, a default value is provided but it's recommended to get your own as it has a low rate limit.
IGDB_NSFW Bool Default to false, set to true to include adult content in game searches
REDIS_URL String Default to redis://localhost:6379, Redis is needed for processing background tasks, set this to your redis server url.
SECRET String Secret key used for cryptographic signing, should be a random string
ALLOWED_HOSTS List Host/domain names that this Django site can serve, set this to your domain name if exposing to the public
REGISTRATION Bool Default to true, set to false to disable user registration
DEBUG Bool Default to false, set to true for debugging
PUID Int User ID for the app, default to 1000
PGID Int Group ID for the app, default to 1000
TZ String Timezone, default to UTC
WEB_CONCURRENCY Int Number of webserver processes, default to 1 but it's recommended to have a value of (2 x num cores) + 1

Environment variables for PostgreSQL

Name Type Notes
DB_HOST String When not set, sqlite is used
DB_NAME String
DB_USER String

Local development

Clone the repository and change directory to it.

git clone https://github.com/FuzzyGrim/Yamtrack.git
cd Yamtrack

Install Redis or spin up a bare redis container:

docker run -d --name redis -p 6379:6379 --restart unless-stopped redis:7-alpine

Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following variables.


Then run the following commands.

python -m pip install -U -r requirements-dev.txt
cd src
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver & celery --app config worker -l DEBUG

Go to: http://localhost:8000