Fuzzyzilla / octotablet

High-level Tablet/Stylus API for Rust
MIT License
14 stars 2 forks source link
crate library rust stylus tablet wacom wayland windows-ink

Device-agnostic Cross-platform Tablet Library 🐙✨

Crates.io Version docs.rs

Cross-platform high-level tablet/pad/stylus library, reporting connected hardware features and providing easy-to-use event-based access to user input.


See the examples for features and usage with several windowing abstractions. In particular, eframe-viewer provides a nice interface to debug your devices and view many of the capabilities of this crate.

Platform Support

Platform Support
Linux/Wayland (tablet_unstable_v2) Complete[^1]
Windows (Ink RealTimeStylus) Complete[^2]
Linux/X11 (xinput) I'll try
MacOS Help needed
IOS Help needed
Android Help needed
Windows (Winuser.h Pointer API) Not planned
Windows (wintab, proprietary) Not planned

[^1]: Compositor conformance to this protocol is hit or miss and some features may not work (to be expected from an unstable protocol I guess!) [^2]: Only Tablets and Tools - Pads and associated hardware are not exposed by the Ink API. The status of pad hardware on windows is dire, often reported as emulated mouse/keyboard events!

Device Support

So far, tested on:


By default, documentation contains the current platform's capabilities only (ie, building docs on windows will omit everything wayland-related). Run rustdoc with the docsrs cfg set in order to generate documentation for all platforms regardless of host platform:

RUSTFLAGS="--cfg docsrs" cargo doc

This is still restricted by enabled features.