G33kDude / RichCode.ahk

A wrapper around a RichEdit control to provide code editing features.
MIT License
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A wrapper around a RichEdit control to provide code editing features.


Create an instance of the RichCode class, passing it a Settings array whose members are as listed below. As a second, optional parameter you can pass control options to be used in the Gui, Add command.

See Examples/Demo.ahk for more advanced usage.

class RichCode({"TabSize": 4     ; Width of a tab in characters
    , "Indent": "`t"             ; What text to insert on indent
    , "FGColor": 0xRRGGBB        ; Foreground (text) color
    , "BGColor": 0xRRGGBB        ; Background color
    , "Font"                     ; Font to use
    : {"Typeface": "Courier New" ; Name of the typeface
        , "Size": 12             ; Font size in points
        , "Bold": False}         ; Bold weight (True/False)
    , "WordWrap": False          ; Whether to enable WordWrap

    ; Whether to use the highlighter, or leave it as plain text
    , "UseHighlighter": True

    ; Delay after typing before the highlighter is run
    , "HighlightDelay": 200

    ; The highlighter function (FuncObj or name)
    ; to generate the highlighted RTF. It will be passed
    ; two parameters, the first being this settings array
    ; and the second being the code to be highlighted
    , "Highlighter": Func("HighlightAHK")

    ; The colors to be used by the highlighter function.
    ; This is currently used only by the highlighter, not at all by the
    ; RichCode class. As such, the RGB ordering is by convention only.
    ; You can add as many colors to this array as you want.
    , "Colors"
    : {"Comments": 0xRRGGBB
        , "Functions": 0xRRGGBB
        , "Numbers": 0xRRGGBB,
        , "Strings": 0xRRGGBB}})