G4lile0 / tinyGS

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Support for m5stack board with LoRa module #113

Open lotrdocker opened 3 years ago

lotrdocker commented 3 years ago

The m5stack board is not in the supported board list, but I tested and compiled, uploaded TinyGS, with PlatformIO, in my m5stack board, with module LoRa 433, crossing my fingers that it works :). Compiling and uploading are ok but the m5stack'screen stay black. I will keep searching for TinyGS works, but has anyone already tried ?

PATTOOo commented 2 years ago

May be we need to check m5stack pinouts for connected display

4m1g0 commented 2 years ago

The display for M5Stack has a different technology so I think a new library is needed. It could be interesting if someone can investigate it.

Regarding the lora pinouts, there is no change the code, all pins can be configrued through board templates: https://github.com/G4lile0/tinyGS/wiki/Board-Templates

Can you share the valid board template for m5stack? it might be useful for other users

lotrdocker commented 2 years ago

Hi all, thanks for reply. For m5stack, apparently, it's a Ra-01 module for LoRa. I found this thread about a Ra-02 module https://github.com/G4lile0/tinyGS/issues/73. I continue my research and tests.

hollie commented 1 year ago

Hey @lotrdocker

did you make any progress porting TinyGS to the m5stack? Would you care to share your code?

Thanks, Lieven

Pedritoprint commented 1 year ago

Hi all, thanks for reply. For m5stack, apparently, it's a Ra-01 module for LoRa. I found this thread about a Ra-02 module #73. I continue my research and tests.

But today, i think it's a RA-02 Chip. --> https://shop.m5stack.com/products/lora-module Any news? Solution for M5Stack? Thanks HB9CMI

ifrew commented 3 months ago

This issue is closed but I got it going with the M5stack and the Lora 868 module. Should work fine with the Lora 433 too. As others mentioned no graphic display as its not an I2C but an SPI display but since its a ground station the display is not really needed. Here is the board template. The key is not to use the DIO1 pin as that is not connected on the lora board from M5stack

{"name":"[915] M5Stack LoRa ","aADDR" :60, "oSDA" :21, "oSCL": 22, "oRST" :-1, "pBut" :-1, "radio":2,"lNSS" :5, "lDIO0":36, "lDIO1" :-1,"lBUSSY":-1,"lRST":26,"lMISO" :19,"lMOSI" :23,"lSCK" :18,"lTCXOV" :0.0}

Edited to update that for sx1276 the radio number is 2. For sx1278 the radio number is 1. I was getting errors in the console for auto tuning stating the frequency could not be set when I enabled 868/915 auto tune. Makes sense since the sx1278 board does not support that. Now in the console with radio set to 2 it says it's a 1276 radio so now hopefully will start to receive packets.

2nd edit: unused pins are set to -1 not 0! Setting DIO1 to 0 causes an issue when a packet is received.