G4lile0 / tinyGS

📡 Open Ground Station Network 🛰
GNU General Public License v3.0
922 stars 176 forks source link

TinyGS is an open network of Ground Stations distributed around the world to receive and operate LoRa satellites, weather probes and other flying objects, using cheap and versatile modules.


This project is based on ESP32 boards and currently it is compatible with sx126x and sx127x LoRa módules but we plan to support more radio módules in the future.

Currently we are officially supporting the following proven LoRa boards:

However, any ESP32 board with sx126x or sx127x módule can be configured using templates. You can find more info about them here.


Use our brand new web installer to setup your board for first time. Just go to https://installer.tinygs.com and follow the instructions there

The first time you flash your board you can use the web installer using Google Chrome web browser on Linux, Windows or MacOS. Follow instructions there.

You can also download the latest release and flash it with PlatformIO. If you dont know PlatformIO here you have our PlatformIO guide.

Later you can update your Ground Station via local web OTA or auto update method.

You can also use Arduino IDE, but is a longer and hard path, because you need to install all dependencies. Arduino guide


Check our wiki configuration page

Main data website

All data received by TinyGS Ground Stations are showed at our TinyGS website


At this web you can see:

At your personal area you can edit some parameters of your Ground Stations remotely.

This is the main data recovery system, but we are developing an API to access data.

Local data access

You can access to your Ground Station data and configuration via local website at your

Also you can use the serial port of your board to see the basic console.

TinyGS network architecture

OTA update and Auto Tuning

Once your Ground Station is alive and connected it can be automagically updated with the last version by the server via OTA.

Also the Ground stations can be remote configured automagically (Auto Tuning) to be able to hear the next satellite pass with the correct settings.

Both systems are optional and you can opt-out at your Ground Station configuration, for example if you want to only support one specific satellite. But we recommend activating both to maintain the network health.


We are using Telegram as the main communication channel for the project. There are also two channels where you can subscribe and be updated automátically whenever a new packet is received by the network from the Satellite.


Initially TinyGS was born under the name ESP32 Fossa Groundstation, it was developed as a "weekend" project for the FossaSAT-1 LoRa satellite. We are passionate about space and created this project to be able to track and use the satellites and to learn and experiment about radio. Currently the network is open to any LoRa satellite and we also support other flying objects that have a compatible radio modulation with our hardware such as FSK, GFSK, MSK, GMSK, LoRa and OOK. And the project was renamed to TinyGS.

Even though we have no relation with the Fossa team, they inspired this project and we are excited to support their new launched satellites into our network.

This are the more important moments of the project:


You can contribute to TinyGS by


Check our wiki!

Project dependencies

This project relies on several third party libraries:

You might also want to check out the other parts of this project:

TinyGS team

The main TinyGS developer team is:


There are many people that contributed to this project in many different forms. We have a great active community in our Telegram group and we would really like to thank all the community support from contributions to the project to useful tips on the group. And, if your are still not part of it we would like to invite you to join it on Telegram.


This program is licensed under GPL-3.0