G4lile0 / tinyGS

📡 Open Ground Station Network 🛰
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Update to TinyGS Webpage and Wiki re 868/915M satellites. #122

Open moonlight0551 opened 2 years ago

moonlight0551 commented 2 years ago

I would like to propose an update to the TinyGS website and wiki to make it clear to newcomers to currently setup their stations for reception on the 433M band as there are currently no satellites receivable using the TinyGS configuration on the 868/915M bands.

There are so many people(me included) that go and purchase boards for the 868/915M band, build antennas only to find they can't receive anything and then have to turn around and buy an build again for 433M.

This advice can be altered once we have satellites active in the higher frequency bands.