G4lile0 / tinyGS

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GNU General Public License v3.0
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Auto-tuning overrides manual configuration #126

Open jgromes opened 2 years ago

jgromes commented 2 years ago


I wanted to manully tune my station to the Delta-8L HAB, however, after manually setting the configuration in station operation page, it seems that reloading the station dashboard re-enables autotuning.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open station operation page and set auto-tune to Disabled
  2. In the satellite name drop-down list, select Delta-8L. All the configuration fields are updated.
  3. Save config and close the operation page. Station dashboard now lists listening to Delta-8L.
  4. Refresh the station dashboard page. Station dashboard now lists listening to whatever autotune wants (on my station that's FEES at the time of writing).

It could be just a display bug, however, at this point I'm not entirely sure what the station is listening to - Delta-8L or FEES?