G4lile0 / tinyGS

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GNU General Public License v3.0
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Support for TTGO variant #141

Open enbeee opened 2 years ago

enbeee commented 2 years ago

Hi, any way to make this board work? https://de.aliexpress.com/i/4000059678125.html It says "T95_V1.1" on the board. Pinout seems to be the same as here:

elif defined(LILYGO_T95_V1_0)

define I2C_SDA 21

define I2C_SCL 22


define RADIO_SCLK_PIN 18

define RADIO_MISO_PIN 19

define RADIO_MOSI_PIN 23

define RADIO_CS_PIN 5

define RADIO_DI0_PIN 26

define RADIO_RST_PIN 4

define RADIO_DIO1_PIN 33

define RADIO_DIO2_PIN 32


define ADC_PIN 35

I've tried to plug this into a board template, but I only get this error.

14:31:49 TinyGS Version 2105260 - 2105260 14:31:49 [SX12xx] Initializing ... 14:31:49 failed, code -2

Thanks and best regards!

JasonRJ commented 2 years ago

Looks like ESP32 with SX127x. Try this as the board template: {"name":"TTGO T95 V1.1","aADDR":60,"oSDA":21,"oSCL":22,"oRST":0,"pBut":0,"led":0,"radio":1,"lNSS":5,"lDIO0":26,"lDIO1":33,"lBUSSY":32,"lRST":4,"lMISO":19,"lMOSI":23,"lSCK":18,"lTCXOV":0.0}

enbeee commented 2 years ago

Thank you four the input, but I still get the error after "initializing". I've tried the same pinout with a LoRa test sketch and it seemed to work.

JasonRJ commented 2 years ago

In addition to the board template above, in the Board Type drop-down make sure that 433 MHz TTGO LoRA 32 v2 is selected then press Apply. Wait 10 seconds then power-cycle the board. Does the error continue after this step? If so, what is the error code?

enbeee commented 2 years ago

Sadly it still gives the "failed: -2"/"Radio NOT READY" error.