G4lile0 / tinyGS

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"Allow Automatic Tuning" Ignored #190

Closed KevWal closed 10 months ago

KevWal commented 1 year ago

Running version v2105260 (release) I have "Allow Automatic Tuning" un-ticked, in /config, and I have "Modem startup" parameters defined of:


For additional logging I also have "Advanced parameters" set of:


But my station seems to ignore the "Allow Automatic Tuning" setting, and accepts retuning commands from the MQTT connection:

14:39:41 [SX12x8] Starting to listen to Default
14:40:35 Received MQTT message: tinygs/1706663180/G7PMO/cmnd/begine : {"mode":"LoRa","freq":401.7,"bw":125,"sf":11,"cr":8,"sw":18,"pwr":5,"cl":120,"pl":8,"gain":0,"crc":true,"fldro":1,"sat":"FossaSat-2E11","NORAD":52750}
14:40:35 [SX12x8] Starting to listen to FossaSat-2E11

14:41:12 {"Vbat":0,"Mem":184896}
14:41:17 [SX12x8] Starting to listen to Default

14:42:35 Received MQTT message: tinygs/1706663180/G7PMO/cmnd/begine : {"mode":"LoRa","freq":401.7,"bw":125,"sf":11,"cr":8,"sw":18,"pwr":5,"cl":120,"pl":8,"gain":0,"crc":true,"fldro":1,"sat":"FossaSat-2E11","NORAD":52750}
14:42:35 [SX12x8] Starting to listen to FossaSat-2E11

14:47:36 Received MQTT message: tinygs/1706663180/G7PMO/cmnd/begine : {"mode":"LoRa","freq":401.7,"bw":125,"sf":11,"cr":8,"sw":18,"pwr":5,"cl":120,"pl":8,"gain":0,"crc":true,"fldro":1,"sat":"FossaSat-2E8","NORAD":99991}
14:47:36 [SX12x8] Starting to listen to FossaSat-2E8

15:03:36 Received MQTT message: tinygs/1706663180/G7PMO/cmnd/begine : {"mode":"LoRa","freq":433.775,"bw":125,"sf":12,"cr":5,"sw":18,"pwr":5,"cl":120,"pl":8,"gain":0,"crc":true,"fldro":1,"sat":"uPaPe","NORAD":99999,"filter":[2,0,36,36]}
15:03:36 [SX12x8] Starting to listen to uPaPe
KevWal commented 1 year ago

And the current fix seems to be to use the "/weblogin" from your TinyGS Personal Bot and set Auto Tune to Disabled in this web dashboard. This then sends a "remoteTune: 0" MQTT message which the device listens too, and then you can use the local "/config" dashboard to set the "Modem startup" parameters you want:

16:01:42 Received MQTT message: tinygs/1706663180/G7PMO/cmnd/remoteTune : 0
16:01:42 Set Remote Tune to OFF
16:01:42 Received MQTT message: tinygs/1706663180/G7PMO/cmnd/beginp : {"mode":"LoRa","sat":"ISM_433","NORAD":99999,"freq":433.3,"bw":125,"pl":8,"pwr":5,"sf":7,"cr":7,"sw":18,"crc":true,"fldro":0,"cl":120,"gain":0}
16:01:42 [SX12x8] Starting to listen to ISM_433
16:02:24 [SX12x8] Starting to listen to Default

Cheers Kev

G4lile0 commented 10 months ago

Since long time we doesn't use this checkbox info from the board, to active or disable it, it's only possible using the tinygs.com web dashboard

KevWal commented 10 months ago

But surely for the sake of users new and old the box should then be removed?

Cheers Kev