G4lile0 / tinyGS

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Rescue mode button long press looping without any button press #96

Closed DroneMechanic closed 3 years ago

DroneMechanic commented 3 years ago

Custom Esp32devkit v1 + RA02 - the long press seems to be on all the time. After the fw update keeps cycling into the local AP mode. Which pin number is being tested as the user button pinout?

My mappings: Progbutton : 0 Board led :25 Sx127x :1 Nss : 15 Dio0 : 2 Dio1 : 5 Bussy :0 Rst : 9 Miso : 19 Mosi : 23 Sck : 18

Is one of my pins being used for the user button press?

I changed the progbutton to another empty gpio 34. So far it hasnt done the phantom button press.

Also stopped using gpio 6-11 as it is used by the integrated spi flash and not recommended for other uses. Also not using gpio 2 as this was the onboard led. Also not using gpio 9 as mentioned above.

My new gpio mappings: Progbutton : 34 Board led :2 Sx127x :1 Nss : 15 Dio0 : 4 Dio1 : 5 Bussy :0 Rst : 14 Miso : 19 Mosi : 23 Sck : 18

I did the same update to another gs and now it is forever long button press into AP mode.

doismellburning commented 3 years ago

@DroneMechanic You closed this without any commentary, but I find myself having the same issue (TTGO T-Beam) - anything you could share please?

doismellburning commented 3 years ago

Actually I think 813c6c3621e7efa7f2c76d44d7d258dc3bf86552 (or something between then and 2104210) has fixed things for me

letBulochkin commented 1 year ago

I am stuck with the same problem, using TTGO T-Beam 868/915MHz with OLED. After setting up wi-fi settings my board connects to mny wi-fi for several seconds, then "Rescue mode forced by button long press!" message appears in the logs, and board resets to its inner AP. Firmware version 2105262, so it seems commit sent by @doismellburning didn't fix it.

a-kalmykov commented 1 year ago

I found the following things related to T-Beam 1.1 868/915Mhz (SX1276 + NEO-6M GPS + OLED):

  1. The correct value for PROG__BUTTON is 38
  2. The INPUT_PULLUP setting should be disabled for this board except the case with sleep mode (according to Meshtastic firmware sources)

How to fix:

  1. Replace INPUT_PULLUP with INPUT in tinyGS/tinyGS.ino on the line 163:
    // make sure to call doLoop at least once before starting to use the configManager
    pinMode (configManager.getBoardConfig().PROG__BUTTON, INPUT);  // <-- here
  2. Rebuild and upload to the board
  3. Use the following Board Template (the PROG__BUTTON value here is 5th in order): {0x3c, 21, 22, 16, 38, 22, 1, 18, 26, 33, 32, 14, 19, 27, 5, 0.0f, "868-915Mhz T-BEAM 1.1 + OLED - Alt Prg Btn"}