GAMS-dev / gamspy

Python-based algebraic modeling interface to GAMS
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Update of IPOPT package #9

Closed grecht closed 4 months ago

grecht commented 4 months ago

IPOPT hasn't been updated, so I'm currently stuck on GAMSPy 0.13.2. I depend on IPOPT for my research and since quite a few improvements have been made to GAMSPy it'd be nice to have the update!

mabdullahsoyturk commented 4 months ago

@grecht IPOPT has become one of the default solvers after gamspy_base 47.1 and comes with gamspy_base package. So, there is no need for extra package installation anymore. You can just install the latest gamspy and set your solver as "IPOPT" in your solve statement.

If you run gamspy list solvers, you should see IPOPT in the list.

grecht commented 4 months ago

Ah, great! Thank you. Sorry for not spotting this.