GAMS-dev / gamspy

Python-based algebraic modeling interface to GAMS
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GAMSPy: Algebraic Modeling Interface to GAMS


pip install gamspy

What is it?

GAMSPy is a mathematical optimization package that combines the power of the high performance GAMS execution system and flexibility of the Python language. It includes all GAMS symbols (Set, Alias, Parameter, Variable, and Equation) to compose mathematical models, a math package, and various utility functions.


The official documentation is hosted on GAMSPy Readthedocs.

Design Philosophy

GAMSPy makes extensive use of set based operations -- the absence of any explicit looping, indexing, etc., in native Python. These things are taking place, of course, just “behind the scenes” in optimized, pre-compiled C code.

Set based approach has many advantages:

Main Features

Here are just a few of the things that GAMSPy does well:

Getting Help

For usage questions, the best place to go to is GAMSPy Documentation. General questions and discussions can also take place on the GAMSPy Discourse Platform.