GC-spigot / AdvancedItems

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AdvancedItems Plugin

AdvancedItems is the most powerful Spigot plugin for creating and customizing items with unique abilities. With AdvancedItems, you can create tools, armor, vouchers, crates, guns, and more—all using our custom scripting language.

Key Features

Over 40 Default Items

100+ Custom Item Abilities

Full Armor Set Bonuses

Extensive Item Customization

Crafting and Item Distribution

Integration with Other Plugins

Automatic Item Updates

Custom Textures

Documentation and Support

Fully Translatable

Commands and Permissions


  1. Download the latest version from GitHub Releases.
  2. Place the AdvancedItems.jar file into your server's plugins directory.
  3. Restart your server.
  4. Configure the plugin using in-game commands or the configuration files located in plugins/AdvancedItems.