GCTC-NTGC / gc-digital-talent

GC Digital Talent is the new recruitment platform for digital and tech jobs in the Government of Canada. // Talents numériques du GC est la nouvelle plateforme de recrutement pour les emplois numériques et technologiques au gouvernement du Canada.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
15 stars 7 forks source link

Welcome to the GC Digital Talent monorepo

Lighthouse PHP CodeQL Jest Lint PHPUnit Playwright Translations codecov

The GC Digital Talent app is divided into multiple services, each treated as its own sub-project:

The api and frontend projects are both designed to run in separate containers. However, they can also be run on a single server with requests routed carefully between them. This is currently how the docker infrastructure works.

Each sub-project has its own README.md, with advice on how to contribute to that sub-project. The README files also contain notes on how to configure the sub-projects, but if you simply want to get the project running on a new machine, you may disregard these notes and move straight to the steps below.


We do several types of testing: (internal documentation linked when available)

As much as possible, we aspire to make these runnable on:

Getting Started

Running with Docker

We strongly recommend running the project entirely with Docker. In this case the only dependency you must install on your machine is Docker Desktop.

Then, follow the instructions in /maintenance/README.md to build the project docker containers and run the build scripts. That should handle everything!

[!TIP] If using Docker Desktop, make sure virtualization is enabled in your machine's BIOS.