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This is a beginner friendly repository for Competitive Programming & DSA problems and solutions💻

Our aim is to help you get practice on solving CP/DSA problems from any platform of your choice and learn the basics of git & github 🎉

How to contribute You can contribute to this repo in any of the following ways

✏️ Adding new problems and solutions Selecting a problem from a website like Hackerrank, Leetcode etc

Add it to the respective folder (eg: Leetcode; if it doesn't exist, create it) Make a folder with the name as name of the problem given Should have 2 files: and solution Add the link to the problem in file Add your solution in any language in the solution file Solutions must be properly indented and explained with comments

More emphasis is given on understanding the logic used to get the solution rather than the code itself. Hence simply copy-pasting code is not encouraged. Any solution you add must be your own and not plagiarized in any manner. Folder & file names must NOT contain any invalid characters, leading digits or trailing whitespaces. As long as your PR adheres with all the points mentioned above, you're good to go ✨.

Happy contributing!! 😃 Any PR that doesn't adhere with the contributing guidelines will be marked as invalid and closed.