GEUS-Glaciology-and-Climate / Sentinel-1_Greenland_Ice_Velocity

Ice velocity maps of the Greenland Ice Sheet margin derived from ESA Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar data.
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greenland ice research science velocity


Product info:

The PROMICE Ice Velocity product is a timeseries of Greenland Ice Sheet velocity mosaics based on ESA Sentinel-1 SAR offset tracking.

Product data format:

Variable Description Unit
x x-coordinate of projection m
y y-coordinate of projection m
time Midpoint time of all contributing acquisitions Days since 1990-1-1
time_bnds First and last time of contributing acquisitions Days since 1990-1-1
land_ice_surface_easting Ice velocity along x-axis m/d
land_ice_surface_northing Ice velocity along y-axis m/d
land_ice_surface_vertical Vertical velocity from surface parallel flow m/d
land_ice_surface_magnitude Horizontal ice velocity magnitude m/d
land_ice_surface_easting_std Ice velocity error estimate along x-axis m/d
land_ice_surface_northing_std Ice velocity error estimate along y-axis m/d
land_ice_surface_magnitude_std Horizontal ice velocity error estimate m/d

How do I get the data?

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