GFDRR / geonode-afghanistan
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You should write some docs, it's good for the soul.


Install geonode with::

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:geonode/stable

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install geonode

Create a new template based on the geonode example project.::

$ django-admin startproject my_geonode --template= -epy,rst 
$ sudo pip install -e my_geonode

.. note:: You should NOT use the name geonode for your project as it will conflict with the default geonode package name.


Rename the to and edit it's content by setting the SITEURL and SITENAME.

Edit the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/geonode and change the following directive from:

WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/geonode/wsgi/geonode.wsgi


WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/my_geonode/my_geonode/

To avoid having to grant apache permissions (i.e. www-data user and group) to your home dir where you likely setup the geonode-project; you may want to instead copy the file next to geonode.wsgi and replace the file name instead of the entire path.

$ cp /path/to/my_geonode/my_geonode/ /var/www/geonode/wsgi/

Add the "Directory" directive for your folder like the following example:

<Directory "/home/vagrant/my_geonode/my_geonode/">

   Order allow,deny

   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

   Allow from all

   Require all granted

   IndexOptions FancyIndexing


Restart apache::

$ sudo service apache2 restart

Edit the templates in my_geonode/templates, the css and images to match your needs.

In the my_geonode folder run::

$ python collectstatic

Backup & Restore

The admin command to backup and restore GeoNode, allows to extract consistently the GeoNode and GeoServer data models in a serializable meta-format which is being interpreted later by the restore procedure in order to exactly rebuild the whole structure.

Before running a GeoNode backup / restore, it is necessary to ensure everything is correctly configured and setup.

Double check the b&r filters from the afg/br/settings_afg.ini file; B&R settings docuemntation is available from official GeoNode docs here.

Run a backup on the source instance through::

SOURCE_URL= TARGET_URL= sudo afg/br/

The Bakcup ZIP Archive will be stored into the /data/backup_restore/ folder.

Run a restore on the target instance through::


The Bakcup ZIP Archive will be read from the /data/backup_restore/ folder.

Github Considerations

While it is helpful to recommit your django project wrapper back to a distributed version control repository.

save, make sure the file is also removed from git cache::

$ git rm -f --cache //

$ git status

confirm the file is no longer staged for the next commit or that if it is as "removed"