GFDRR / rdls-lib-cove

Check that your data complies with the Risk Data Library Standard (RDLS) using our install our data review library to analyse files via your command line interface
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Lib Cove RDLS

This repository supports the RDLS Conversion and Validation Tool (rdls-cove), which can be used by data publishers to create metadata for the Risk data Library Standard, by converting the spreadsheet template to the JSON metadata format.

Documented at Documentation is maintained at

Command line


Installation from this git repo:

git clone
cd lib-cove-rdls
python3 -m venv .ve
source .ve/bin/activate
pip install -e .

Running the command line tool

Call libcoverdls.

libcoverdls -h

Running tests

python -m pytest

Code linting

Make sure dev dependencies are installed in your virtual environment:

pip install -e .[dev]

Then run:

isort libcoverdls/ tests/
black libcoverdls/ tests/
flake8 libcoverdls/ tests/

Updating schema files in data

This library contains the actual data files for different versions of the schema, in the libcoverdls/data directory.

To update them, you need:

To update a file:

First go to your checkout of the data standard repository and make sure you have checked out the correct tag or branch. ie. To update the libcoverdls/data/schema-0-1-0.json file, check out 0.1.0

Run the compile tool, telling it where the codelists directory is and pipe the output to the file for the version you have checked out:

compiletojsonschema -c rdl-standard/codelists/closed/ rdl-standard/schema/rdl_schema_0.1.json > rdls-lib-cove/libcoverdls/data/schema-0-1-0.json