Haiti Code for Resilience SMS Rainfall Data Collection Project based on RapidSMS
Below you will find basic setup instructions for the smslapli
project. To begin you should have the following applications installed on your
local development system:
Python >= 2.7 (including Python 3) <http://www.python.org/getit/>
_pip >= 7.0.3 <http://www.pip-installer.org/>
_virtualenv >= 13.0.3 <http://www.virtualenv.org/>
_To setup your local environment you should create a virtualenv and install the necessary requirements::
virtualenv smslapli-env
On Posix systems you can activate your environment like this::
source smslapli-env/bin/activate
On Windows, you'd use::
cd smslapli
pip install -U -r requirements/base.txt
Run migrate::
python manage.py migrate
Load Base Data::
python manage.py loaddata base/fixtures/initial_data.json
python manage.py loaddata hydromet/fixtures/initial_data.json
You should now be able to run the development server::
python manage.py runserver