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Amortizing intractable inference in large language models

This repository contains code for GFlowNet fine-tuning of language models, as described in the paper

Amortizing intractable inference in large language models
Edward J. Hu, Moksh Jain, Eric Elmoznino, Younesse Kaddar, Guillaume Lajoie, Yoshua Bengio, Nikolay Malkin

BibTeX ```bibtex @article{hu2023amortizing, title={Amortizing intractable inference in large language models}, author={Hu, Edward J. and Jain, Moksh and Elmoznino, Eric and Kaddar, Younesse and Lajoie, Guillaume and Bengio, Yoshua and Malkin, Nikolay}, year={2023}, journal={arXiv preprint 2310.04363} } ```

Visit the subdirectories to find code and documentation for each experiment in the paper:

Please contact us or post an issue if you have any questions.