GGAlanSmithee / Entities

efficient and easy-to-use Entity-Component System in JavaScript
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link


easy-to-use Entity-Component System for browsers and Node.js


import { EntityManager } from 'gg-entities'

const entityManager = new EntityManager()

// 1. Register Components

const pos = entityManager.registerComponent('position', {
    x : 10.0,
    y : 10.0

const vel = entityManager.registerComponent('velocity', 2.0)

// 2. Register Systems

function movementSystem(entities, { delta }) {
    for (const {entity} of entities) {
        entity[pos].x += entity[vel] * delta

entityManager.registerLogicSystem([ pos, vel ], movementSystem)

function logSystem(entities) {
    for (const {entity} of entities) {
        console.log(entity[pos].x, entity[pos].y)

entityManager.registerRenderSystem([ pos ], logSystem)

// 3. Add an entity


// 4. Run the systems

entityManager.onLogic({ delta: 16 })  // invokes all logic systems (movementSystem)
entityManager.onRender({ delta: 16 }) // invokes all render systems (logSystem)





There are no official typings (yet), but @ForsakenHarmony has provided a gist for TypeScript users.

FAQ / Gotchas

Tips and tricks

Accessing an entity's components in a system usually looks like this

function movementSystem(entities) {
    for (const { entity } of entities) {
        entity[POS_COMPONENT].x += entity[VEL_COMPONENT].x * delta
        entity[POS_COMPONENT].y += entity[VEL_COMPONENT].y * delta

which can be a bit ugly, especially if your entity has a lot of components which are accessed multiple times. Using some ES6 (computed property keys) and ES7 (object spread) magic, we can make it a bit more concise:

function movementSystem(entities) {
    for (const { entity: { [POS_COMPONENT]: pos, [VEL_COMPONENT]: vel } } of entities) {
        pos.x += vel.x * delta
        pos.y += vel.y * delta

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