GHSVS-de / tpl_bs4ghsvs

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Be warned!

This is not a template that you install and then it runs smoothly. It needs a lot of background knowledge and regular reworking. Versions are not backwards compatible and stuff. It can break your website! It needs other extensions and stuff.

Sei gewarnt!

Das ist kein Template, das man installiert und dann läuft es reibungslos. Es braucht reichlich Hintergrundwissen und regelmäßige Nacharbeit. Versionen sind nicht rückwärtskompatibel und Zeugs. Es kann deine Web-Seite zerstören! Es braucht weitere Erweiterungen und Zeugs.

My personal build procedure (WSL 1 or 2, Debian, Win 10)

@since > v2022.03.31: Build procedure uses local repo fork of

New Bootstrap release that you want to use in this template?

Special step (1). Build reduced bootstrap.bundle there.

Compile SCSS to CSS. Also if changed scss-ghsvs/.

@import "../../../media/assetghsvs/scss/bootstrap/52/root";

cd /mnt/z/git-kram/sass_compile_prefixghsvs
node prepareProject.js p_tpl_bs4ghsvs

Adapt "version" parameters

in joomla.asset.json if new versions (BS, JQuery ...) used.

Next step: Build package for this repository

node/npm updates/installation

PHP Codestyle

If you think it's worth it.

Build installable ZIP package

For Joomla update and changelog server