`states_rebuilder` is Flutter state management combined with a dependency injection solution and an integrated router to provide the best state management experience, speeding up your development as well.
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About states_rebuilder
It is a feature-rich state management sulution:
- Predictable and controllable
- Support for immutable / mutable state
- Precise rebuild control
Code Clean
- Separation of UI & business logic
- Coding of business logic in pure Dart.
- Zero Boilerplate without code-generation
User Friendly
- Elegant and lightweight syntax
& Animation
in StatelessWidget.
- Built-in dependency injection system
- Rich built-in features
- Saving states to localDB
- Theme, multi-langs
- Navigation, show dialogs without
Efficient Productivity
- CREATE, READ, UPDATE, and DELETE (CRUD) from rest-API or database
- User authentication and authorization
- App themes management
- Internalization and localization
- Easy to test and mock dependencies
- State tracker middleware
- Built-in debugging print function
- Capable for complex Apps