GM-Script-Writer-62850 / Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater

Makes it easy to install and check for new mainline kernels
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Why do we even need this? Why is there no proper PPA for automatic mainline kernel updates? #25

Open kq01526 opened 8 years ago

kq01526 commented 8 years ago


yes, I realize there is a mainline kernel "PPA":

But why isn't it possible to add this "PPA" just like any other PPA and get automatic updates through the regular software updates?

Why do we even need something like the Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater script for this?


GM-Script-Writer-62850 commented 8 years ago

Why there is no true ppa line you can add to the software sources idk (probably nobody wants to make and manage/maintain one)

you don't need to use this you could just download the deb files and install them

this is for anyone who is too lazy or considers it too complicated