This Updater was made to alert the user of update for mainline kernels and to make installing them noob/newbie friendly.
You can manually install the kernels from here without using this script.
If you think this looks long and complicated, it is just because I have listed 5 different ways you can download this project, based on your personal preferences. If you want a recommendation just use either Terminal Install or Recovery Console Install
GUI Install:
Download the zip archive (there is a button near the top of the page) and extract it
Drag and drop the install file into a terminal window and press enter
If that does not work type "bash " then repeat the above step
It will look likebash '/path/to/install'
Type your login password when prompted
Terminal Install:
Step 1:cd
Step 2: Download (Method 1/5: Usecd /tmp
)Step 2: Download (Method 2/5: Usegit clone git://github.com/GM-Script-Writer-62850/Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater
to download a zip archive and extract it)Step 2: Download (Method 3/5: Usewget https://github.com/GM-Script-Writer-62850/Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater/archive/master.zip -O Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater.zip unzip Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater.zip
to download a zip archive and extract it)Step 2: Download (Method 4/5: Usecurl https://github.com/GM-Script-Writer-62850/Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater/archive/master.zip > Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater.zip unzip Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater.zip
to download a tar.gz archive and extract it)Step 2: Download (Method 5/5: Usewget https://github.com/GM-Script-Writer-62850/Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater/archive/master.tar.gz -O Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater.tar.gz tar -zxvf Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater-master.tar.gz
to download a tar.gz archive and extract it)Step 3: Run thecurl https://github.com/GM-Script-Writer-62850/Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater/archive/master.tar.gz > Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater.tar.gz tar -zxvf Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater-master.tar.gz
script (If you usedgit
for Step 2)Step 3: Run thebash Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater/install
script (If you did NOT usegit
for Step 2)Step 4: Check for kernel update (If you would like a release candidate kernel removebash Ubuntu-Mainline-Kernel-Updater-master/install
from this command)Step 5: Install the new kernel (That is the reason you are here right?)KernelUpdateChecker -no-rc # If you are using Raring and want the latest 3.9 kernel run this instead KernelUpdateChecker -v 3.9 -r saucy # You can install 3.10 but it will break some things in raring like nvidia/amd driver as well as virtualbox KernelUpdateChecker -r \* -no-rc # This would give you the latest stable linux kernel, ignoring the release branch; Kernels built as of July 11, 2016 do not have a branch and require the release branch to be set to *
Recovery Console Install: (Also works if you are too lazy to do the above)
curl http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=hHS6rf6w | tr -d '\r' > /tmp/script sh /tmp/script /tmp/kernel-update
wget http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=hHS6rf6w -O- | tr -d '\r' > /tmp/script sh /tmp/script /tmp/kernel-update
You can view the source code of that script if you like.
Advanced usage examples and notes:
KernelUpdateChecker -f -r quantal -no-rc -v 3.5
This would force the script to generate a install script for the latest 3.5 kernel compiled for quantal that is not a release candidate even if you are running a newer kernel
forces the script to make a installer regardless of now new the current running kernel is
tells the script to use lowlatency kernels
-r quantal
tells the script to use quantal kernels even if you are using raring (13.04) or precise (12.04), defaults to the output oflsb_release -cs
tells the script to ignore release candidate kernels
-v 3.5
tells the script you only want a kernel with a version number starting with 3.5, you can use the entire kernel version number to force a exact version
tells the script you only want a kernel without header packages (required by eg: virtualbox and nvidia's drivers)
/tmp/kernel-update --silent
will install the kernel without asking questions
/tmp/kernel-update --download-only
will download the script, tell you were it downloaded it to, list the downloaded files, and exit
/tmp/kernel-update --uninstall
will purge the kernel it would normally install from the system
If there is no update/tmp/kernel-update
will exit without doing anything, keep in mind that/tmp/kernel-update
does not exist until a little over 60 seconds after login
If the new kernel is detected as not installed it will exit with status 1, will exit normally if it did not try to install it
For help documentation, other options and alternative variants please use this command:
KernelUpdateChecker -h
These 2 commands will uninstall the Kernel Updaterrm ~/.config/autostart/KernelUpdate.desktop sudo rm /usr/local/bin/KernelUpdate{Checker,ScriptGenerator}