GPII / qi-development-environments

P4A Quality Infrastructure Development Environments
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Quality Infrastructure Development Environments

This repository contains tools that can automatically provision a standardized development environment. Using these tools also ensures that the Prosperity4All Quality Infrastructure can automatically build and test your software. With this approach it is possible to:


The following software needs to be installed on the host OS:

At the time of writing, VirtualBox 5.0.28 and vagrant 1.8.6 have been tested successfully. Vagrant 1.8.5 should not be used on account of issue #7610.

Unfortunately we have to advise against using VirtualBox 5.1 due to many bugs that were introduced in that release. We will update this document as soon as our tests indicate newer versions of VirtualBox 5.1 are stable enough.

Note: Windows support was tested using a Cygwin shell after having performed the following tasks:


Each subdirectory contains a Vagrantfile and a provisioning directory. The directory contains the following files:

Currently only Node.js applications are supported. To get started you should copy the contents of the nodejs directory (excluding the README) to the top-level of your application's source code tree. You will want to edit the provisioning/vars.yml file. With these changes in place you can type vagrant up in the location where you copied the Vagranfile to which will boot the VM.

Notable Vagrant Commands

While the Vagrant web site provides extensive documentation these are the bare minimum commands that you should ideally be familiar with:

For convenience sake it is suggested that the following shell aliases get added to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file:

alias vup="vagrant up"
alias vpr="vagrant provision"
alias vss="vagrant ssh"
alias vst="vagrant status"
alias vha="vagrant halt"


If a Node.js application's VM is launched its logs can be viewed using the following URL:

The result will be a stream of log events generated by the /usr/bin/node process. The stream will autoupdate as new events are logged in the VM since the follow parameter is included in the URL.

Log events are exposed this way by having a small HTTP server act as a gateway for the VM's Systemd journal. The journal can be queried with command line tools such as journalctl:

vagrant ssh -c 'sudo journalctl -f /usr/bin/node'

Port Forwarding

The provided Vagrantfile(s) will forward TCP ports from the host to the VM. Ports specific to the application should be documented in the provisioning/vars.yml configuration but defaults are also included in the Vagrantfile itself. This behaviour can be overridden by setting a VM_HOST_TCP_PORT environment variable before using the vagrant up command. For example:

VM_HOST_TCP_PORT=31337 vagrant up

If two VMs requiring the same ports are launched and no VM_HOST_TCP_PORT environment variables are used to prevent a conflict, then the second VM will attempt to correct this. A message such as the following will be logged to your terminal:

Fixed port collision for 8080 => 8080. Now on port 2200.