GPSDD / playbook

The Global Partnership Web Services Playbook
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About This Project

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Running the Site Locally

To run the site locally on your own computer (most helpful for previewing your own changes), you will need to install Jekyll and other dependencies:

  1. If you don't already have Ruby and Bundler installed, follow the first two steps in these Jekyll installation instructions.
  2. Next, fork this repository and clone it on your computer.
  3. Navigate to the folder on your computer, and run the command bundle install at the command line prompt.

To run the site locally, run jekyll serve --watch, then visit http://localhost:4000/ in your browser to preview the site.

Editing the Stylesheets

This project uses Sass for managing its style sheets. These styles are defined in the styles.scss file. We use Jekyll's native SASS support to auto-generate the required CSS when you run the site locally, as described above.


CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.