GPUOpen-Drivers / AMD-Gfx-Drivers

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VK_LAYER_AMD_switchable_graphics calls vkGetDeviceProcAddr on Instance function #6

Open spencer-lunarg opened 1 month ago

spencer-lunarg commented 1 month ago


The VK_LAYER_AMD_switchable_graphics layer is calling vkGetDeviceProcAddr on an instance level function (vkGetPhysicalDeviceCalibrateableTimeDomainsKHR) which will return null and the validation layers are reporting a warning.

There is a vkGetInstanceProcAddr that should be used instead

soararing commented 3 weeks ago

I can reproduce the issue with current public release driver 24.5.1, and this issue is root-caused to be with Vulkan loader, in our public driver package 24.5.1, the Vulkan loader version is 1.3.261, if I replace it with latest Vulkan loader version 1.3.286, this issue is gone.

jinjianrong commented 2 weeks ago

@spencer-lunarg could you confirm that this is an issue in Vulkan loader and fixed in new version?

spencer-lunarg commented 2 weeks ago

@onhi is the original report author (, I am just helping move the issue around