GPUOpen-Drivers / AMD-Gfx-Drivers

Forum for AMD OpenGL and Vulkan graphics drivers
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AMD GFX Drivers Forum For Vulkan® and OpenGL®

This repo works as a forum to replace the prior AMD Community DevGuru. The primary goal is to support developers using Vulkan and OpenGL APIs on top of AMD GPUs. The "Issues" tab is for posting issues/bugs you run into, and the "Discussion" tab is for posting feature requests or questions with regard to Vulkan and OpenGL drivers and APIs. Given this repo is primarily serving as a forum for Vulkan and OpenGL, if you bring up any issues/bugs/feature requests pertinent to other graphics APIs we may need to redirect them to different channels to address your asks.

How to post an issue or discussion


Vulkan and OpenGL are registered trademarks of the Khronos Group, Inc.